Souza Development’s History
Growing Up
Growing up in Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Anthony Souza learned all about what it took to serve and to help others explore and enjoy all that nature has to offer.

Raymond & Matilda Souza
Anthony’s parents, Raymond & Matilda Souza welcomed visitors and guests from all around the world into their hometown. While Anthony was growing up in his early years, he enjoyed activities like swimming, boating, dune rides, picking shells out of the sand, capturing seafood to bring home to dinner, and working on fishing piers and fishing vessels. Soon he was working many Summer jobs. All this while his parents were building a hospitality business to serve others with their high energy and steadfastness. Anthony was voted in as high school Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Class President. He was a varsity football starter all through high school and was Quarterback of his senior team. As a Tri-Captain with All Cape Cod honors and Boston Herald All-Scholastic Team Honorable Mention, Anthony went on to play College Football at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, earning two varsity letters.
After serving honorably for six years in the U.S. Coast Guard in harm’s way during World War II, Raymond W. Souza, Sr. relied upon his strong work ethnic and love of learning to begin his entrepreneurial career as a refrigeration and heating contractor. He started developing rental properties soon after which included Summer vacation stays and overnight rentals. Anthony’s father was developing and building these series of rental properties virtually all of his growing up years.
Matilda cared for everyone, worked as the front office manager, and managed a seasonal ice cream shop when she had extra time. Summer was a busy time as Cape Cod brought in vacationers by the thousands. Her memory for names and faces – memorizing all guests names and room numbers for 52 guest rooms every night – was amazing to all. This became a vital part of the operations involved to successfully manage Quality Inn Eastwood.
U.S. Coast Guard Academy
While at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Anthony wrote a semester paper on the feasibility of developing, building, and managing a 50 room Inn in Provincetown to capture the excitement of the Summer visitors. Not only was Eastwood Motor Lodge built by his father, at the further initiative of Raymond Souza it took on the Quality Inn franchise and was renamed Quality Inn Eastwood.
Needing to move to a warmer climate near family and therefore sell Quality Inn Eastwood, Anthony’s parents wanted his help soon after he had retired from active duty having served honorably for 6 years (4 years sea duty) as a Junior Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. Once Anthony became involved and joined his parents, Eastwood further thrived and was eventually sold for top dollar to a timeshare property developer.
Hilton Inn Columbia MD
The hotelier passion that Anthony acquired on the Cape was brought to Columbia, Maryland where Anthony conceived of, developed, had built, and managed the Hilton Inn Columbia as Managing General Partner. Early on, Anthony hired his brother, two of his sisters, and two brothers-in-law. They were involved in Pre-Sales and Sales Administration, Restaurant Operations, and Accounting and his parents helped run the hotel…Matilda as Rooms Division Manager, and Raymond Sr. handling the management of all sub-contractors. In addition, Raymond Sr. also served as a General Partner.
Raymond & Matilda passed away in recent years, but are in our hearts forever.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have about Our History. It may, however, be evident that growing up in a family where love of learning, dedication, strong work ethic, entrepreneurial spirit, and lots of energy and resolve resulted in a gift of helping others achieve great things. Anthony Souza leads the way with his life saving principles greatly admired by all of us at Souza.